Ashford Hill Primary School Homework Policy 2024-2026
At Ashford Hill Primary School, our aim is to empower children to be the ‘Best that they can be’ through an engaging curriculum, rich learning journeys and strong links with the community. We will empower them to see the importance of their social responsibility and their place within our society and ever-changing world.
Purpose of Homework
We believe that carefully selected homework is an important aspect of education and serves a variety of purposes for our children including:
- To provide opportunities for families, children and the school to work in partnership to achieve the aims and vision of the school
- To consolidate and reinforce children’s skills, knowledge and understanding particularly in English and mathematics
- To empower children, as they get older, to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study as they progress though their educational career and beyond.
Homework Structure
There are two types of homework for our children:
- Weekly homework: Reading, Spelling Log Review and Maths - please see the table below for further information.
- Ad Hoc homework: Sometimes we may send home homework that will support children’s learning in class. This might be a discussion at home for the dinner table or a national initiative such as a writing competition. We will always let parents know via the teacher 2 parents contact system if this is the case. We will also give you notice of deadlines.
Year Group |
Weekly Homework Reading is suggested daily for all year groups for 10 mins Maths is suggested for 20 minutes weekly (in small intervals) |
Year R
Summer Term
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Autumn Term:
Spring Term:
Summer Term:
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
From the Spring Term, year 6 children will be provided with SATs booster books. There will be an additional maths and grammar/reading task set each week which will total and additional 30 minutes of work each week. This will be set each Friday and due in the following Friday. |
NB. Children will have access the Purple Mash programme. Purple Mash is an award-winning website for children aged 5 to 11, packed with creative tools, educational games and themed resources. Children can independently enjoy this at home. Passwords will be provided with an accompanying letter from the class teacher.
Homework Feedback is an important part of learning and progress and there are many different ways this can happen. We recognise that much of this feedback will be provided by adults working with the children as they do their homework and not solely by the teacher. Use of systems such as Accelerated Reader, NumBots and Times tables rock stars are personalised to children and the teacher will have an overview of children’s strengths and weaknesses from the accompanying teacher software. This enables homework to guide formative assessment and future learning in school.