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Physical Education



At Ashford Hill Primary School we aim to provide an inspiring Physical Education curriculum where children form a positive relationship with physical activity and lead healthy and active lifestyles. We aim to provide the opportunities for all children to develop competence in sport and other physical activities, where children can enjoy success and can excel within their potential. This curriculum, steered by our Curriculum Drivers and our mission statement of “Be The Best We Can Be”, embeds our learning behaviours and encourages the embodiment of fairness and respect. We aim to promote accessibility of all sports to all children through ensuring the curriculum is broad and diverse.



Our Physical Education curriculum covers the National Curriculum aims and objectives and delivers them through a range of rich opportunities. We use clubs, weekly PE lessons and competition with other schools to build character and stamina for activity over sustained periods of time. Our weekly PE lessons provide opportunities to develop competence in a wide range of individual and team sports. Through all Physical Education we reinforce the necessity for sportsmanship and fairness alongside competition and a desire to achieve. Our diverse curriculum provides opportunities for all children to be involved in a range of games, activities and extra-curricular opportunities.

Our affiliation with West Berkshire School Games ensures that the offering of competition is wide-ranging and provides the opportunity for every child in KS1 and KS2 to engage in competitive games. Our connection with cluster schools also enhances the offering through rugby and football fixtures.

PE is taught for 2 hours a week in three week cycles. Each class have two units per half term: one three week unit delivering Real PE/Gym/Dance and one three week unit delivering games instruction.

During playtimes, Our Y6 Sports Ambassadors and Y5&6 Young Leaders are engaged in promoting sports. They do so through modelling the appropriate use of equipment, ensuring the highest standards are maintained in storing and utilising the equipment and in delivering a range of sporting activities for children to join in with.

Sports day is a very important date in our calendar, it is the culmination of the year for the children who have all been working hard in their School Teams. During the morning they are able to work as a group - members of the Team from each year group come together to engage in team-based activities to win points for their School Team. In the afternoon we have Year group races and relays so that children can compete against their peers from other Teams. At the end of the day we have a results ceremony and celebrate the successes of each team.

Real PE:

Real PE develops skills which allow children to be physically confident, skills which help in gaining competence in a range of physical activities. Real enables high quality teaching of sporting values through sports, Gymnastics and Dance. This scheme is adapted effectively for any children who need challenge or support during specific activities.

Over the course of the year the children are taught to better their Personal Skills, Social Abilities, Cognitive Skills, ability to be Creative, Physical Abilities and levels of Health and Fitness. This is through 3 Sports units, two gymnastic units and one dance unit.


We have recently developed our Games offering to run alongside the teaching of Real. It now includes a diverse range of team games as well as Athletics and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.

Swimming is currently provided for all children in KS2, next year we will be transitioning to offering Swimming to Years 3 and 4, as well as intervention for children in Year 5 who haven’t yet achieved the standards defined within the National Curriculum.



Assessment for learning is used throughout lessons to support children’s learning and to extend skills when possible. The Principal and other key staff will review the curriculum through learning walks and evaluation of planning and children’s outcomes. Engagement of focus groups in clubs and extra-curricular events (for example pupil premium, girls etc) will be monitored to ensure the opportunities offered are accessible to all children.